Thursday, 9 October 2008

Expressionengine related articles code

Just found out a way of doing related entries in a slightly nicer way than just (In same category, latest first).
Use track_views and get counts for weblog entries not just templates. you can then sort buy the view count, giving you the most read stories.

It is not ture related articles but at least it is most popular articles in a category, and it will keep updating, but not jump as much as sort by date.

You can remove the {view_count_one}, just for effect.

Single Entry page: (you will need to look at the source)

{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{weblog_name}" orderby="date" sort="desc" limit="1" track_views="one"}

{!-- Followed by --}
{exp:weblog:entries related_categories_mode="on" limit="3" orderby="view_count_one"}
{if count == "1"}

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Yahoo! Web Analytics gets out and closer to the whole web

Dennis blogged about Yahoo! Web Analytics getting out to Yahoo advertisers and Store owners today. I think there are alot of people like me watching and waiting for IndexTools release as Yahoo! Web Analytics for the last five months.

I really want to move from Google Analytics to Yahoo Analytics as IndexTools seems such a great product from the demonstation I saw Dennis and SnowValley do a great talk in London a couple of months ago. Dennis is really good so hope this runs and runs.